Sunday, November 11, 2012

Got Bike?

Olvier's first Cyclocross Race was AWESOME!!!

All he would talk about this morning is racing and when can he race, he was super excited (we were too)!
After a loooong wait, the race was off and kids, 10 yrs and younger, took off making their way around the course.  Oliver was a little timid at the start, so many kids and tons of bikes.  He held Daddy's hand for the first 100 feet and after that it was smooth Skuuting!  After the first lap was complete, the cousre was blocked off.  Oliver stopped, pointed, and said "what happened"?  At the start the anouncer said that the kids race is two laps.  So Daddy moved aside the barriers and Oliver completed the second lap in his race!  He loved it!

Look out Cyclocross racers, Oliver is coming!!!!!!
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